Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This is a Palin absolute watch-This is the SCARIEST uncut video on Palin I have ever seen.

Please watch both videos. Very disturbing!

Thomas Muthee, the man who led a movement that hounded a woman out of her hometown because Muthee believed she was supernaturally causing car crashes, has moved on. His new target: Sarah Palin. On October 16, 2005, Thomas Muthee delivered a sermon at the Wasilla Assemblies of God, the subject of which was "Why Palin?" Why Elect Sarah Palin Governor of Alaska? Ignore for the moment that church electioneering is against federal tax law. Let's focus on Thomas Muthee's reasons to vote for Sarah Palin. #1. Vote for Sarah Palin because she is one way for "God's Kingdom" to "invade," "infiltrate" and "influence" society. #2. Vote for Sarah Palin to install the Christian God and the Ten Commandments in control of the Public Schools. #3. Vote for Sarah Palin to combat and rebuke the forces of witchcraft. #4. Vote for Sarah Palin to end the separation of church and state in the United States of America. Thomas Muthee spoke it. Sarah Palin watched him speak it in the audience. Then she took the stage and as Muthee laid hands on her and she bowed her head, together they prayed for it. Is this what YOU want for America?

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