Sunday, September 14, 2008

Palin cut Special Education Budget by 62%

PALIN STATES SHE DIDN"T CUT SPECIAL ED, BUT SHE DID CUT FUNDING FOR "SPECIAL SCHOOLS"-Well, Special Ed and Special Schools, such as the School of the Deaf, are the SAME THING. The children's needs are not getting met and being placed in classrooms with teachers who cannot support their needs!

**UPDATE** There has been a revised document regarding the Special Education Budget [12/13/06 to 12/3/06]

Sarah Palin's speech received loud applause at the Republican National Convention (RNC), especially the talking points on America first and the strong language blasting Barack Obama and Joe Biden. She also won applause on issues regarding special needs of children. But in the "State of Alaska Fiscal Year 2008 Governor's Operating Budget" the "Department of Education and Early Development Special Schools Component Budget Summary" reveals that funds were cut by 38 percent for the fiscal year of 2008-09.

During 2006, children served by special education facilities and programs, including the Special Education Service Agency (SESA) and the Alaska School for the Deaf , received more state support; but as of 2008 and 2009, the proposed budget was cut from $7,949.30 down to $3,156.00.

Under Alaskan Budget Documents:

These funds provide supplementary educational services to students with severe disabling conditions. The resident school where the child would normally be placed does not have the resources to provide an adequate educational program. Without the supplementary services the child's needs would not be met by the local school district in most cases.
Palin sliced the program by more than half, laying out a mere $3,000 for special needs kids for the year and saving the tax payers of Alaska less than $5,000.

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